.. _cmdline-stop: stop (command-line) =================== Stop supervised program(s). Optionally also terminate Ramona server. .. code-block:: bash stop [-h] [-i] [-c] [-E] [-T] [program [program ...]] .. describe:: program Optionally specify program(s) in scope of the command. If none is given, all programs are considered in scope. .. cmdoption:: stop -i stop --immediate-return Dont wait for termination of programs and exit ASAP. .. cmdoption:: stop -c stop --core-dump Stop program(s) to produce core dump (core dump must be enabled in program configuration). It is archived by sending signal that lead to dumping of a core file. .. cmdoption:: stop -E stop --stop-and-exit Stop all programs and exit Ramona server. This is a default behaviour of the ``stop`` command. .. cmdoption:: stop -S stop --stop-and-stay Stop all programs but keep Ramona server running.